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Articles for Teachers

Classroom Management Plan - Developing a Classroom Management Plan
By:Stephen Bradford

Teachers that start the year off with a classroom management plan will be more apt to having a more controlled classroom than those that do not have a clear classroom management plan. The way I have developed a classroom management plan has been through trial and error. This can serve as merely a guide to setting your own classroom management plan.

At the beginning of the year before the students come have a seating chart already made out. You will have to make changes as schedules are changed but it will be manageable. This will help you learn names faster and take attendance.

On the first day make sure you go over your rules and expectations for the class. In order for the students to truly remember your classroom rules, a good thing to do is to role play different situations and what the consequences would be. Make sure that there is no question in the students minds what consequences will follow should they chose not to adhere to them.

Another factor in your plan will need to be your organizational skills. I am not a very organized person. It has taken me a lot of time and work to get better organized with the paperwork you have to keep up with as a teacher. If your students see that you are unorganized and do not have what you need for class they will not be organized either. We can not expect them to be responsible for bringing materials to class if we don't show up with what we need to teach the class.

The worst thing you can do is to walk in without a set management plan. The students will see that they can do what they want and will push your limits. You will never be totally prepared and but having a set classroom management plan will be a huge step in the right direction.

"Stephen Bradford is a teacher in the Arkansas school system. He runs a website promoting a book he believes will help any new or experienced teacher with new tools in effective classroom management strategies."

To find out more be sure and check out his site on classroom management here http://hubpages.com/hub/classroom-management-plan80/.

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