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Articles for Teachers

How to Get a Teaching Job - 3 Important Steps
By:Bart Rutherford

Would you like to know how to get a teaching job? Well, it's really not that different from getting any other kind of job when it comes to the basics. But if you want to become a teacher, and you want to let your potential employers know you would be good in a teaching position, there are a few extra things you can do to better your chances.

Put Together a Great Resume

When it comes to figuring out how to get a teaching job, it all starts with a great resume. In many cases, this will be the first impression your perspective employers will get of you, so you want to put your best foot forward. Mention your credentials, and any experiences you might have had that would make you a good teacher, including any informal or volunteer teaching experiences.

Prepare Your References

Who have you listed as references on your resume? Well you don't want them to be surprised by the call they receive from your potential employers. So give them a call beforehand, letting them know they might be contacted in regards to a teaching position you have applied for.

Be Prepared for the Interview

At an interview for a teaching position, you will be asked the kinds of questions that just won't come up when you are interviewing for other types of jobs. And, before your interview, it's a good idea to try to guess what some of those might be and how you would answer them. So, before your interview, make a list of potential interview questions, like "What kind of atmosphere would your classroom have?" and "How would you handle a problem student?" Your interviewer will be impressed when you answer these questions honestly, thoughtfully, and professionally.

Figuring out how to get a teaching job can be a challenge, especially when there is stiff competition for the position you are after. However, preparing a great resume, and making a really good impression during your interview, can significantly increase your chances of getting the teaching job you want.

But don't stop there. Do you want to teach at a specific grade level? Or do you want to teach in a specialized area, like music? If so, there are even more things you can learn about how to get a teaching job. To learn more about pursuing a teaching career, just go to http://www.getateachingjob.com

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