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Articles for Teachers

Four Great Classroom Management Ideas You Can Use Now to Turn Your Fallen Angels Into Shooting Stars
By:Constance Turner

Every teacher has their own unique approach to the management of their classroom. What I have found invaluable is borrowing ideas from my colleagues that are totally new to me or that enhance my own ideas.

Shared Expectations

With all new classes it's a good idea to get students to help decide what should be in their code of conduct. By doing this as a class they feel included and are agreeing to what is expected of them in my classroom. It is also a great tool if a pupil does break a rule.


Always ensure that you are consistent with rewards, punishments and expectations. Pupils like to know where they stand, like we do, so don't move the goal posts. If completing homework usually earns a merit, don't forget to award it. Similarly, if a student uses an inappropriate word in class, even if it was obviously a mere slip, rather than a rebellious act, be consistent in the reprimand for this.

New Beginnings

You may have had the lesson from hell, the students may have said or done some hurtful things, (despite general student consensus, teachers are human and have feelings too) but you need to be able to draw a line under it.

The following lesson is a fresh start, you will have issued punishments and dealt with any behaviour issues and the students are likely to have forgotten, even though you won't have, pretend you have. Creating a positive start will boost your lesson no end.

Positive Working Environment

I am sure you like to work in a nice clean inviting environment, everyone does. Whether or not you do this through adding color, posters or plants to your room, we all like to feel the place we work is a nice place to be. Pupils are exactly the same. They respect the room and the equipment within it more if you show that you do.

This can be difficult at times as you may not always teach in the same room or other classes may use your room from time to time. I have had my displays ripped and items taken whilst I am not teaching in my classroom, and although it is disheartening to see this, what inspires me to keep my room looking inviting is my students' reaction to the vandalism. They are just as passionate about their displays as I am. I also find that by keeping the room a nice working environment the pupils take care over their work and their workbooks. This always makes the extra effort that I put into their classroom worthwhile.

You can take control of any classroom when you use the right classroom management ideas. Get more ideas at http://managementclassroom.com

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