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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

By:Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science

Smile plays a very important role not only in the boundary of the school but also even in the outside world. Smile is the expression of love. It's the magnate, which pull all towards it. As every body wants a smile, School should also be the platform of smile. A teacher touches the heart of a student through the magnetic touch of smile. Smile creates confidence & love among the children. The development of the children on the subjects happens only when they start liking & loving the teacher. ‘Unless the children love the teacher, how can they love the subject?' Smiling face of the teacher creates vibration among the children who become fearless to express everything. They ask questions. ‘Freedom automatically happens when smile exists in the classroom'.

The children always try to ape the teacher. They ape the teacher's anger, smile, talking etc. They carefully observe the personality of the teacher & discuss among them. Smile helps in many ways both the teacher & the children. Followings are some of the benefits to count.


A subject will be popular only when the teacher is popular & lovable. Teacher's smile is the spark of love spreading towards the children, which bind them as magnate with him/her. The smile makes the children fearless & brave in the class to ask every question. With out a question a class is meaningless & helpless & may be termed as poor class. ‘That teacher is fortunate who is attacked by several questions of the children'.

As it is the truth that ‘the love can change the heart & that is the permanent change within', the teacher should always express the love through his smile. One spark of smile spreads ounce of love, which makes the children & classroom happy & lovable. If the classroom is happy then the children can better study through the happy environment. They can enjoy the study. ‘The study you enjoy is the real study & is unforgettable'.

Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science
E-Mail - hare_321ku(at)rediffmail.com
Qualification- M.Phil,B.Ed,Vedanta

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