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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

By:Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science

When a child is asked about ‘the greatest fear' in his life, his eyes give prime attention to the Examinations. Examination - may be it is weekly or term-end but fear automatically creeps in to the mind of the child. As the nervousness starts due to fear, students forget formulas & concepts in the examination. If pupils start thinking easy to appear examination then it will not be a matter of fear. Examination is not the fate or end of life rather a step in the learning process. Children commit mistakes & learn more .As the number of mistakes so the number of learning. They loose marks & they get. The main factor for making the examination an easy one & giving a mantra "take it easy" is the teacher. Teacher's job is to exhibit the examination not as a phobia rather a game to build confidence among the children & reach their goal of life.

Children always don't keep faith upon them & start fear. Even some of the children are noticed as they are reading or solving mathematics in their dream. To bring confidence, teacher's job is to follow different methods of revision before the examination so that the pupils will break their long standing fear upon the subject & exams. The best method to build confidence among the children over the subject before the exams is ‘conduct quiz & asking easy questions which the pupils can answer'. Teacher must go from easy to difficult level so that the students can understand well from the very beginning. While teaching, if the students are unable to understand difficult concepts/sum, he must insist them to do hard work to overcome these & encourage by praising that ‘you have answered most of the questions',' you are good'. The time when the students start feeling themselves worthy & good, they will prosper automatically.

The next way the teacher can follow that he must complete the portion of syllabus early-at least fifteen days before the examination & do revision through manifold interesting methods such as Group Based Quizzes. Frequent revision of the questions-answers & concepts make the pupils easy & busy to remember.

As ultimately the pupils have to write in their papers in the tests, the teacher must revise the chapter by using the methods of writing competition & interchange checking of copies. In this inter change copy checking the pupils will have a mad rush to find out each other's mistakes. By that process they learn many things. ‘Finding out mistakes of others in the copies & correcting them by discovering the answer' is a better process of learning through which every child is benefited.

Slow learners are often found fearing to face challenges at examinations as they have a doubt of getting passing marks. The teacher's role is to give more importance to these children. He must give extra time to these special cases at home or at school. Some times in substitution period also he can encourage these children by going near to them with spiritual vibration & encourage so that they will feel confident to face the challenge of the paper. Building confidence among them is very important than teaching in the classroom. Slow learners can be given special & suitable tips to win over the subject.

The smiling face of an invigilator in the examination hall is a tips to reduce fear & build confidence among the children. Smile has a vibration which makes the children calm, happy & peaceful to attempt questions. Students don't feel easy or comfortable if the invigilator in the room is found reserved or angry. The students already with fear of the paper become nervous when they see the angry, crude & tired face of the invigilator. Smile radiates the ‘Satwa Guna (positive qualities)', the truth energy that makes the examination a lovable & enjoyable one. So the teacher's job is to be cheerful & happy while invigilating in the examination room.

Teacher as an invigilator should commit to give all sorts of comforts to the children at examination room. Additional sheets should be provided by going near to the students. Any difficulty in the question paper (if any printing mistakes error found) must be solved immediately. Drinking water must be supplied if required. Teacher must feel the requirement of sheets of the children while invigilating & supply immediately before the call of a child with "sir, sheets" so that the child will feel easy & comfort to write. If the teacher is writing ‘Best of luck or Good luck' on the black board before the examination then children become more inspired & cheerful to write answers.

While making questions, the teacher must focus on the average type so that the poor & averaged children can be helpful. Questions should be consisted of easy, average or difficult type. Objective & subjective questions should be present in a balanced manner. The children should be provided the blue print of the type of questions from the inception of the session. Questions should be error free. That's why the computer learning is very important for the subject teachers by which they can make their own question papers to make it error free & suitable for the children.

We can't abolish examinations suddenly but we can de-stress examinations by our own methods & feasibility in examination processes.

Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science
E-Mail - hare_321ku(at)rediffmail.com
Qualification- M.Phil,B.Ed,Vedanta

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