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Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

By:Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science

Controversies and confrontation arises when a teacher
speak lie to his boss and do something of his personal. It may be very bad to hear but it's true. When this comes to the knowledge to his boss then starts the unhealthy story of no faith transaction and cold war. Sometimes it happens when a small thing becomes a big one before the boss if it presented in a twisted way. And this hide fight between both slowly takes a different turn and ultimately the consequences on the system of education become very hazardous.

Why those take place? First of all we should analyse that why a teacher speaks lie? First of all, it may be the reason that the teacher stays in a system of fearful administration. May be he is not getting much opportunities under the boss. May be he gets ‘no' answer in some of the events when he asks his boss about something. May be the teacher has the habit of the false culture. May be the teacher has believe that ‘my boss will disagree the same'. Some time it happens that the urgency of a teacher is not felt by the boss.

When does a teacher speak lie? The time when he wants to take leave for facing one interview. The time when the authority has already told ‘no' to take leave but it's urgent to take leave. And the time, when he is selected somewhere but he doesn't want to share with his boss as he has the fear that the boss may create problem over phone or fax.

Why does the boss not give leave to the teacher? Why doesn't he understand the problem of the teacher? Sometimes the boss feels his institution insecure if his teacher joins elsewhere that's why he doesn't allow the teacher to face the interview. Some boss is very egoistic that they don't allow themselves even to listen the problem of the teacher although that leave is very important to take. For one day leave the work of the institution can be managed. Boss must feel the urgency of the leave the teacher wants. If denying of leave repeats for two, three times then the teacher stops speaking truth and starts telling lies so that he can get leave. So when boss doesn't want to feel the problem of the teacher, then what the helpless teacher can do?

What's needed to correct that system? Should the relationship between teacher and boss go on like that? If change we want, than where is the solution?

Role of the Boss-

•Boss must realize that education system is a floating organization. Teachers will come and go. Planning should be made how to avail another teacher with the going of one teacher.
•He should feel that his present position also due to continuous efforts of interviews and jumping from one post to another. So he should think every teacher must try for that. He should encourage every teacher for higher learning and shifting of the institutions for higher position. By this a teacher will be encouraged to speak truth about the interview to the boss.
•He must not be rigid. He should give importance to the leave of the teacher if the leave is so urgent.
•He must love the teachers and respect their needs. He must understand the problems of the teacher.
•He must be with the opinion that ‘A teacher must grow'. He must help the teacher in every circumstance. He must learn how to run the institution even if two, three teachers are absent.
•Understanding is very important. Just like a teacher understands a child, he should understand a teacher. If understanding is strong then there is no need of speaking lie.
Role of the teacher-

•He must create faith with his boss. He must understand the boss fully. He should take the steps as per the advice of the boss. He must tell all problems to the boss clearly. He must tell truth to him for a good decision as the boss is a good decision maker.
•But, if the boss is egoistic, cruel and not understanding the problem of the teacher then he must take the steps as he feel suitable for him.
•Teacher must know that he has to develop himself more and more. He is a river flowing towards mingling with the vast ocean. It's better to change the institution other than the torture he gets in the present institution. A number of schools are there to welcome you if you are fit to show your capabilities.
•He must be brave to work. If he understands that truth has no value in front of the boss he must question to his boss about the truth and follow the false method to rescue him from that hale institution.
Every teacher wants to work happily and peacefully with truth when he joins in the institution. When he starts feeling that the institution has some restrictions upon him and he is not able to do even the good things or the things to grow him then he plans for fulfilling these anyhow. But an educational institution must not be like that. Boss must play the role to understand both the teacer's personal development and institutional development. A boss must be brave to face the situation by facing the truth. Then only a teacher can be truthful. A boss must not be boss but the leader to take the right decision in every situation. He must be a friend to a teacher and correct the teachers by personal discussion.

Harekrushna Behera - Teacher in Social Science
E-Mail - hare_321ku(at)rediffmail.com
Qualification- M.Phil,B.Ed,Vedanta

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