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Articles for Teachers

Temper Tantrums - Four Tips For Ending Temper Tantrums
By:Martin Laritz

Dealing with your child's temper tantrums can be one of the hardest things to do. If you know these simple tips, you will be better prepared to handle the situation, and you will be better prepared to shorten the extent of their fit.

The first tip to stopping your child's temper tantrums is not match their anger with yours. This will only cause your children's anger to escalate which will only prolong the fit.

The second tip is to stay calm. If you have to walk away, take a breathe, count to ten, do it. Any action you do when you are angry is not going to be the right action. You will probably do something you will regret lately, so take a small break and calm yourself before you proceed any further.

The third tip is to avoid making it personal. I know this sounds funny, but your child is not throwing their fit just to make you mad. They have a reason for their fit, most of the time, and only when you deal with this issue is when the fit will ultimately be resolved.

The fourth tip is to wait until they have calmed down before you address them and their problem. Your child is not going to process anything you say until they calm down, so just wait until they calm down before you begin to discuss the situation.

Handling your child's temper tantrums is a difficult task, but knowing these four simple tips will better help you in both dealing with the fits and shortening them.

Need help controlling your toddler's temper tantrums http://www.childrentantrums.com/ and the terrible twos. I will try you my personal story and how I got my 2 toddlers to stop throwing temper tantrums.

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