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Articles for Teachers

Empowerment - The Power to Create
By:Larry Icabandi Nabiong

Imagine the world if nobody ever dared to do something: we would be groping in the dark, existing as if just to breathe and nothing more! What is now the difference between us and the animals roaming around? We humans have mind and reason to survive worthy of respect. We are not brute just to eat, drink and marry (?) Aside from the basic means of living, we need to activate our mind power to know what's good for us and do something-- create something for whatever good, beautiful and useful for our well-being!

Yes with our desire to live a respectable life, we need to really execute the plans we have set out to do, learn a lesson or two, and share with others said learnings or unlearnings. Well, we would be facing insurmountable odds, say, indifference from people but we should be undaunted for we know what we want to do and what matters most! We should not listen to all those criticisms and suffer, but we should get the vitals and apply them to the success of our endeavors. How are you then to create a life worthy of respect?

First, you should know your strengths...

With the gifts-- talents and all- endowed to you by God-- you are obliged to return the favor by using such talents to the benefits of humanity. Well, others would raise eyebrows but what is important here is your own covenant with Him. Be good, useful, and beautiful in the eyes of the Lord by doing things pleasing to Him. Yes, a lot of things are needed to be developed, improved, adopted, changed, shared and the like to make this world a better--if not best-- place to live for all kinds of people-- race, beliefs, color, gender, culture, and so on. You are in a world-- and it means people are excitingly different from one another! People are not all the same bananas, apples, or what not... others are lemons, grapes, turnips, to mention a few. Thus, others are sweet, some sour, and few neither sweet nor sour, just like champoi!

Second, you should use your strengths...

Yes, with your desire to really be of help to the betterment of the world, you need to do something. Ordinary things done in extraordinary way could really make a difference. If you are a mother, be the best mother in the world by not just doing the household chores as if you were obliged to do but doing it with all your heart, mind and soul-- the effect is tremendous! You feel heavenly joy since you are doing a great work --sealed with love and all-- even by just doing a simple household chore!

Third, you should share your strengths...

Never be a selfish brute. Always give others a chance to experience your goodness. Yes, multiply the numbers of people doing great things for their fellow beings! If all people would just reclaim their goodness what a different world we must be in. What a beautiful world we could give to our future generations.

Yes it is so easy to say these things, but if only you ask the guidance of the Almighty God-- to give you heavenly strengths to do great things-- nobody could really stop you doing the great tasks of showing others that they too are capable of being creators of good things, useful things and beautiful things!

If you have gone this far, am sure I have done you a service: convincing you that you too could have the power to create. Start yours; for, I have done mine.

The author is a mentor of teachers in elementary grades in the Philippines. Aside from being a grade school teacher, he is also contributing articles to magazines just to make good use of his spare time. He has joined writing contest in the past, but until now, he is dreaming of bagging an award! This is why, he is now trying his luck in this endeavor--blogging-- to find his niche and somewhere, somehow find a way of publishing a book.

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