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Articles for Teachers

Discover the Importance of Reading to Children
By:Debra Proctor

I can't emphasize enough the importance of reading to children. By reading aloud to your children, not only will you form lasting bonds and great memories, you will be giving your child the gift of reading and helping them to excel in school and in life. Reading to your children has many benefits. What are they?

Well...a lot of things.

Reading to Your Children:

Gives them a head start and improves their language skills - Children that have been read to regularly are ahead of the same age children in their classes. They have better language and reasoning skills that help them to excel academically.
Increases their vocabulary - By reading books that are above your child's grade or reading level, you are exposing them to much more difficult words. While they wouldn't be able to read these words on their own, with you reading the words to them, they can learn new words and greatly expand their vocabulary.
Improves their imagination and creativity - Reading books to your child that include all kinds of different settings will increase your child's imagination and creativity. This is a good thing. A good imagination and creativity will help your child develop the skill of problem solving and being able to think "outside the box."
Teaches them proper grammar and sentence structure - Listening to you read good quality books teaches your child proper grammar and sentence structure naturally.This will give your child a boost academically and they will have an easier time when it comes to learning grammar and writing.
Teaches your child to better express himself - Listening to the characters in a book solve their problems and communicate with others teaches your child to be able to do the same thing.
Improves listening skills - Because the books that you read to your child will be interesting, they will learn to sit, listen, and pay attention - they won't want to miss anything. This skill will carry over to other parts of their life.
Prepares your children to read - Nothing prepares your child to become a good reader more than reading aloud to them. It whets their appetite for reading good books, learning new things, going on adventures through books, and teaches them all of the skills mentioned above.
Instills a love of reading and good books - Reading aloud to your child opens up an entire world for her. She will love you reading to her and will learn that books and reading are good things.
Encourages your children to become readers - As your children get older, they will want to continue what you started by reading to them. They will naturally want to read because it was such an enjoyable activity that they shared with you.
It expands your child's horizon and introduces them to new experiences and places - When you read, the sky is the limit. You can be transported to any place and any time - experience any time period and a wide range of emotions. This exposes your child to many different situations that they can learn from.
Forms lasting bonds with your children - Read to your child daily. This time will quickly become his favorite time - time for just you and him. By doing this, you will form bonds that will last a lifetime.

As you can see, these are all good reasons to read aloud to your children.

Begin reading to your children every day when they are babies. Start out with "board" books. You know, the thick cardboad books that babies can't destroy (or at least not that easily). These books are great ways to introduce colors, shapes, animals, rhyme and rhythm to your babies.

As they get older, read a lot of nursery rhymes and Bible stories to them. Choose a Mother Goose nursery rhyme book that has pretty pictures. By doing this, you'll be exposing them to great art work too.

Continue reading to your kids until they don't want you to read to them any more.

Be prepared - they may be quite old before this happens.

Now that you know the importance of reading to children, there's only one thing left to do. Start reading!

For free lists of great books to read to your children, visit http://home-schooling-haven.com/importance-of-reading-to-children.html

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