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Articles for Teachers

Want to Quit Teaching? Why You Aren't Alone
By:Tania Mesar

Most teachers have wanted to quit teaching at one point or another. Whether you had a bad day at school, or a bad week, or a bad semester or just a rough year in general, it is very common to have thoughts about leaving the profession. There is no coincidence why half of new teachers leave make a mad dash away from the profession within the first five years of teaching.

What is more tragic than those who quit teaching early in their careers is those who do not really like it, or even those who hate the thought of waking up each morning to go and teach, yet who stay in the profession. These teachers do not quit teaching because they are not sure what else they could do. They like that they are getting paid, and they are scared of the unknown.

The biggest reasons why teachers quit teaching include low pay and tensions that arise with administration in charge of their school. Other reasons include a poor work environment, and a heavy workload. These factors leave teachers stressed, and if that stress is not dealt with it leads to burn-out and eventually to want to quit teaching.

Also, most school boards look down on taking a day off here and there for a 'mental health' day, when realistically this could prevent teachers from taking more days off down the road or even quitting their teaching jobs.

Administrators and teachers need to consider implementing a wellness committee in their schools to offer events for teachers to better their emotional, mental, physical and financial health, while they work a teaching job. If we equip teachers with methods to deal with their stress and give them strategies to build emotional, mental, physical and financial wellness, teachers will be more likely to not quit teaching, and they will be happy with their overall health and the amount they make. So start a wellness community in your school, get active, get educated on what you can do to make more money, and take a day off to rest if you need it.

Do not forget to check out the link in the resource box below. I've got a great free report that details the mistakes I made as a teacher on a budget, so you can learn from them.

Tania is a High-School Teacher who Helps Other Teachers Make what they're Worth so they Can Teach because they Love it and Not because they Have to. "Want to Learn How You Can Leverage your Teaching Skills with the Power of the Internet to Meet and Exceed Your Teaching Income?" Free Report Explains All: http://www.OnlineMLMTeacher.com/report.html

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