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Articles for Teachers

Teaching Kids Responsibility
By:Cindy Chung


Being a member of any society brings with it certain responsibilities, which can in turn lead to privileges. It is society's bargain that privileges are appreciated because they are earned, and that people avoid being irresponsible because that means loss of privileges.

That bargain needs to be explained and made clear. It seems entirely just that pupils who don't look after the classroom are excluded from it at lunchtime and break, or that unacceptable behavior in public means you cannot attend a social activity or treat.

Where this becomes more of a problem is where large numbers are involved and where innocent or well-behaved pupils have privileges withdrawn through the bad behavior of others. It is generally agreed that, despite the convenience and power of peer pressure, it is not good practice for innocent members of a class to be made to suffer for the faults of others. Nevertheless if individuals can't be identified, the whole group may ultimately have to suffer.


Why would some kids ruin their own classroom, block up their own toilets and damage the plants and trees around their school?

They may have a grudge against society, feel downtrodden, unappreciated, embittered and undervalued. It may be a product of thoughtlessness and a lack of appreciation of their privileges. It may be that they don't know the difference between a right and a privilege and they take their privileges for granted. It may simply be that group dynamics and hormones take over and they follow the crowd, doing things they would never consider on their own and for which they have no explanation. Maybe they don't understand their behavior any more than you do!


Explaining well before any incidents or confrontations that privileges rely upon responsibility and can be withdrawn is important groundwork. Indeed showing that certain things pupils think are their rights are in fact earned privileges can be a salutary lesson. Reinforcing that message following an incident is also valuable.

Warning of withdrawal of privileges is also important in advance of a possible incident:

Anyone who fails to finish this work by next Friday will be unable to watch the film the following week.

Anyone found with an alcoholic drink will be sent home immediately.


Prompt action demonstrates that you consider this is important. Preventing a recurrence is important.

Prompt maintenance sends a signal that a clean and tidy environment is high on your list of priorities.

Attending quickly to small graffiti and damage limits its spread.


Clearly and patiently warn and explain that there are inevitable consequences to unacceptable behavior.


Where possible, withdrawing privileges without warning. Overdoing the appearance of bribery.

Making the innocent suffer in order to put pressure on the troublemakers.

For more information about teaching kids responsibility , please go to http://teacher-methods.blogspot.com/ or http://www.sbarticle.com/

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