Articles for Teachers
Parents/guardians who volunteer in classroom - how well do u know the teacher?
Question for moms/dads or others who volunteer in lower elementary grades classroom regularly. How well do you get to know the teacher over the year?
Very friendly, and chat to her often about non-school stuff?
Friendly, but keep it to classroom & school issues?
Or does it depend on the teacher your kid has that year?
Just wondering.I volunteer a lot, but don't really get pally with the teachers. Other moms I've seen are chatting and joking with teachers, and talking about stuff like spouses/boy friends etc.that I reserve for my girl-friends.
I talk to them a lot about classroom stuff, and it helps me know more about my kid's progress, behavior and about school policies/protocols. But, it is never personal. Like, even after volunteering from Sept-Dec, I wouldn't know what gift to get the teacher for the holidays!
so, that's the question: how well do you know/get to know your kids' teacher if you volunteer in class?