Articles for Teachers
A large percentage of first-year college students drop out in the first year of college. This is a problem that can be addressed efficiently if instructors and administration will take the time to motivate and encourage students to succeed. Read on for a few basic tips to motivate first-year college students.
Use the first class to have students throw away their fears. On the first day of class, I set up a wastebasket on my desk. I have students write down their fears about the class and/or being in college on a piece of paper. Next, they are instructed to ball up that piece of paper and throw it in the trash. I then remove every piece of paper and read each fear aloud. Finally, I tell the students how the college and I are going to help them keep their fear from materializing.
Offer extra help. Tell the students that you are available to offer them help and advice whenever they need it. Give them your phone numbers, emails, and website. My students know they can find me anywhere, including my MySpace page! Knowing that I am accessible to them goes a tremendous way in dispelling their fears.
Encourage, praise, and express faith in your students. Tell them constantly how well they are doing. Visit their web sites and touch base with them periodically. Pay attention to the signs of a student in trouble. In short, never stop telling them that you believe in them!
Vary your instructional methods. Studies increasingly show that varying the format of instruction has a huge impact on the learning that takes place in your classroom. Because every student has a different learning style, it is important that you use different techniques to ensure that you reach each student.
Give students an outlet. No matter what subject you are teaching, it is a good idea to assign first year college students to keep a journal or a blog. Some are resistant to the idea at first but virtually all of them are pleased with the chance to voice their frustrations and fears.
Have fun. A key factor in keeping first year college students motivated is to have a sense of humor. The students generally enter class the first day scared and expecting the worst. Dispel their fears with laughter. Throw out the old rule of "never smile for the first two weeks." Put your students at ease and the learning environment becomes productive and happy.