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Bullying: The Bully, The Bullied and The "Squaler"
By:Larry Icabandi Nabiong

In every crime, there is the victim, the perpetrator and the witness. A perfect crime does not have a witness; only the perpetrator has the victim and his evil scheme.

Well, when it comes to bullying among children, bullies have victims to pick on, victims have bullies to contend with and "squaler" has both.

Now, giving a bully a chance to inflict harm on others is likened to giving him a license to do what is amoral. Whereas, with zero-bullying tolerance in school will set an atmosphere where bullying of any kind would never prosper or even recognized as part of reality in the campus.

Unfortunately without the victims desire to divulge bullies due to wrong belief in power and control, bullies thrive to exist sans fears of being punished. Yes, sort of giving bullies consent to do their dirty work. However, with the presence of concerned and informed friend, classmate or even the teacher himself, could help the victim face his/her tormentors.

"Squalers" are putting their life and limb at risk. These heroes must be encouraged to do the right thing by defending "weaklings" from bullies through informing authorities about bullies and their victims. There is no chance for a bully to exist in any group of sane people, lest society is relegating its status to brute-oriented one, thus, making the presence of bullies threat to meek children. Then, survival of the fittest prevails the atmosphere which results to the suffering of the unlucky ones and the unnatural joy of the mighty.

You would never be a bully, or bullied right? How about a "squaler"? Only chosen few are courageous enough to put themselves on the line.

This author is writing a book on bullying of any kind ( in school and workplace ) and if you have any issues you would like to be tackled in the book, just feel free to send your wisdom at nabionglarry(AT)yahoo.com

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