Articles for Teachers
I like the activity “Don’t Panic”.Because even now,I am in panic.I always wonder whether I will be a good teacher or not.So I had some fears.I didn’t know how I need to behave.But on last lessons,we learned how we will behave our learners ,how we will arrange the seating and how we will use blackboard and equipment.I think it is important to know them for a teacher.I must pay attention my students to meet their needs when I am a teacher.
Classroom Manegement is very important for education.The students must be relax and see each other and the teacher.The class must be neat,clean and orderly for the lesson.The teacher must be Project the voice so that all the students can hear her.Using body language is the most important one.Using body language includes using your face,your hands,your gestures and making eye contact.Only telling the lesson isn’t sufficient for the students.All of them are necessary.We need to provide all of them in the class.We discussed what we need to do if we meet some situations.We will be in panic or not.All of them are important for me.I learned all of what I wondered on last lessons.Thank you for helping.
Gülçinn Kazak