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Articles for Teachers

Teaching Students and Being Strict - How To Deal With Bad Students (Part I)
By:Daniel E Massicotte

You're probably wondering what Brats are...

Well, brats are bad boys, usually boys, although sometimes there are bad girls. In my 4th or 5th month teaching in Korea, word got around that I was harsher on the boys than I was on the girls. Truth is, I didn't have any defence since the boys generally tested me more, and were louder. Plus guys are strong, which means I can use them for manual labour in the classroom.

Besides, in Korea there is no such thing as feminism in Korea. Brats are students who are being a disruption, talking too much class after class. Usually, I know them by name.

Strategy #1 - Clean Ma Rume!

In my first year the team of students who were supposed to clean my classroom didn't do such a good job because they were from the 3rd grade. Regardless, you can employ all the students who you teach and punish them by making them clean the room. If they talk, sleep or cause any disruptions they're do cleanup in the 10 minutes between classes.

You can make them:

1. Tidy Desks

2. Clean Desks

3. Mop the Floor

4. Wash the Walls

5. Dust Window Sills

6. Clean the Windows

7. Clean the Doors

8. Tidy the Room at the Back

I'm sure you can think of more things that pertain to your classroom. This also works really well when you're playing a game: The team with the lowest points has to mop the floor.

Now what do you do if there are too many bad students in a class and you can't keep track of all of them? Well in that case you make a rule that if there are more than 3 "bad students" then the whole class will clean up afterwards.

Now what does this do? It turns the attention away from you being a bad teacher and the focus is now on the 2nd or 3rd student who puts the whole class of kids to work.

Now you might be worried that being too harsh or tyrannical with the students might make you unpopular at the school. I was worried about the same thing at first. In fact historically I'm not one to lord myself over other kids. I'd rather let them talk and have my co-teacher calm the kids.

Being too harsh can be a problem if your lessons are boring and if you are mean to the students by never praising them, hitting them, never making a jokes, etc. Students love to laugh in your class. They see your class as a break from their other classes and will come to enjoy their time spent with you if you'll let them.

You just have to show them kindness and love, but at the same time be strict, showing them who the boss is (you obviously). Do that and they'll love you.

Dan teachers Native English Teachers how to survive in Korea by cooking, giving and being loving at their schools. Join his free newsletter: http://www.survivalinkorea.com

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