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Articles for Teachers

ESL Teaching - Tips For Rewarding Students
By:Ed Earl

Rewards positively reinforce student's good work and behaviour in the classroom. This article offers teachers some tips on this matter.

When you start with a new class of students it is perhaps best not to establish reward systems from the get go. If you do the students may receive the impression that you are not expecting things to go well. However it is best you make the decision from seeing how things are going and if introducing a reward system will help to boost the student's motivation in a class where it may be lacking.

When used appropriately, a reward system can help to increase the student's effort, attention and behaviour. The students often enjoy reward systems, especially if you are using stickers, raffle tickets, smiley faces or marbles in a jar. It is important not to create a bad feeling in the class by the system causing students to become split into 'winners' and 'losers'. Some students may become too serious about gaining points and others may choose to opt out. In such a case the reward system has become a failure, having a negative effect on their motivation, behaviour and effort.

Usually the systems that are the most effective are those that allow for an accumulation of points won by an individual winner or group leading to a prize that is shared between the whole class.

Prizes can be anything from an enjoyable activity, such as watching a movie, or playing a favourite game. The amount of points that needs to be accumulated for the prize to be given should not be too big and the prize attainable after a reasonable amount of time, such as a week. If the amount of time it takes to attain the goal is too long the chances are the students will lose enthusiasm and interest.

Ed likes writing articles about many different topics. You are welcome to visit his new website at http://eslenglish.org which offers people useful information about ESL English and teaching.

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