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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Pros and cons of different career paths in education -- Silvana Mandero
Graduates of various teaching programs and those who would like to redirect their career path must consider different aspects of choosing from the options available within the educational services. ...

Using Parrots in the ESL Classroom -- Rita Corcoran Davis/American College of Education Capstone Assignment
Bird Brains Teaching English Rita Corcoran Davis Introduction Service animals have been used to assist people since the 1700’s. Even though visually impaired individuals have utilized dogs since ...

April is Autism Awareness Month! -- Rachel Fischer
Light it Up Blue in April April is quickly approaching and for the last four decades it has been the time of year that has been set aside for autism awareness. April 2nd has also marked World Autism ...

Facts Concerning Teaching English in Elementary School -- Dr. Khalid Al-Seghayer
Facts Concerning Teaching English in Elementary School Dr. Khalid Al-Seghayer alseghayer@yahoo.com @alseghayer In discussing this ongoing educational controversy, I will neither dwell on whether it ...
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