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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

For Teachers: 3 Super Easy Detox Drinks to Survive the Day -- Lada
Awww, do you know that feeling, too? Your head is spinning from noisy kids, never-ending home assignments, and sense of hunger that you got used to. If you are lucky, your 5-minute lunch consists of ...

We need to revolutionize the studying habits of our students -- Sava
On my way to class, I watched some students pacing back and forth while repeatedly reciting English words in an attempt to memorize their spelling. I could not resist the temptation to stop and ask ...

15 Tips for First Time Teachers -- Jaesig
1. Lay down the law. An effective, productive classroom environment is one that has rules as well as consequences that are presented, displayed and briefly explained. Don’t just assume that every ...

How to teach English writing skills to adult learners -- Kate Bones
If you teach English as a second language, you probably know how hard it is to inspire students to start writing in English. That's mainly because writing is a skill that requires them to be ...

10 essential tips for teaching English as foreign language abroad -- Amelia
Teaching English abroad is probably one of the most rewarding experiences for teachers. Before jumping on such an opportunity, remember that it's also a great challenge. Teachers of English as a ...

How to Take Advantage of Mobile Technologies for Classroom Learning -- Anne Sampson
Today’s students are digital natives who are more likely to get engaged and prosper if given the chance to use mobile technology for learning. So if you’ve been thinking about implementing it in ...

Online Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages -- Joanne
The advancement of technology has made a lot of things that are previously impossible, possible. It has made communication and information very accessible for everyone. Technology continues to shape ...

Encouraging Students to Speak: Tips for ESL Teachers -- Zoe Anderson
Learning to speak English can be intimidating. No one knows this better than ESL teachers. Dealing with learners who are reluctant to speak because they are shy or self-conscious can be a challenge. ...
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