English schools in the USA and Canada
Ontario - Toronto
CanPacific College is a language school located in the heart of Toronto in the province of Ontario in Canada.
The school offers an exceptional service for students from abroad who wishes to improve their English skills.
Please visit our website and I wish to hear from you!
Best Regards,
Khaled Alameddine
Arabic Marketing - Manager
CanPacific College
477 Richmond Street West, # 508
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3E7 Canada
Tel: 416- 601- 0100 EXT:226 Fax: 416- 601- 0600
Cell: 416- 669- 4104 KSA: 0533284897
Email: Khaled@CanPacificCollege.com
Web: www.CanPacificCollege.com Face book: www@facebook.com/CanPacific